Tuesday 20 December 2011

Home again

Ondati market
Well, my Kenya adventure has come to an end. I have been back at work for over a week now, so time to reflect on the experience.  What have I learnt?  What have I achieved - or at least what have I tried to achieve, and was it worthwhile?

First, I must say that overall I enjoyed it - despite the rain and the mud - it was a beautiful place, quiet, peaceful, happy (in spite of the poverty).

I met lots of good people and was invited into their homes.

Nancy - selling tomatoes
 As always, it is good to be reminded of the important things - that health is more important than wealth and that having friends around you makes life more enjoyable than having "stuff".  I didn't notice the lack of electricity, although reading by torchlight attracts all sorts of insects, and I noticed that washing in cold rain water makes your hair nice and shiny and doesn't dry your skin.

Have I made a difference? What did I achieve? Well, I checked out the cash book, and updated several files, I helped to draft the 2012 budget.  I think the principal learnt some new accountancy principles, and I have left him with the beginnings of a Finance Manual, with tips and hints for keeping on top of things. 

Teacher's staff room
I hope I left the School Management Committee with some ideas about how to go forward with their planning, and I spent time with some of the other staff, encouraging and helping them with various ideas.
Inspiring the committee with the Vision and Mission

  I don't think 3 weeks of my time is the answer to all their problems (even with the 2 pads of accountancy paper and several pens, highlighters, and post-its I left behind) but I hope it has added a bit more to what the previous volunteers have done, and prepares some more ground-work for the next volunteer.

Leslie the calf will stay at the school for a while - possibly be allowed to mature into a useful bull.

Bottle feeding Leslie

In the end, it's not for me to say whether it was worthwhile - the School will have their own ideas.
What I wonder though, is whether it is more useful for a professional to go and offer help and support in person, or simply hand over the equivalent cash?  Is the training offered more use than just money? I hope so. Have I just been indulging my own desire to travel and see new places, enjoying myself?
Well, that's a philosophical note to end on.

Several people have asked me whether I would go back (or do something similar somewhere else)?
Not for a while ....

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